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When your mentor writes about YOU!!!


Thank you for sharing Lorraine!

I am honoured to be introducing you today to a very special woman, Lisa Forrest. Lisa has been a part of my community for many years. We first connected when Lexi was a baby, and she was in the Virgin Australia ground crew.

Once, she saw that I was landing from Melbourne with Wade and Lexi, and had this welcome sign ready at our gate in Sydney!


If you met Lisa, you’d find her to be incredibly vivacious - she’s basically sunshine in a person. However what you wouldn’t know is the story of heartbreak and struggle behind her luminous smile.

I asked if I could share her story with you today, and she happily agreed. I wanted to shine a light on the person she is, and also share a little about her experience with my Step Into You Program.

Let’s go back to December 2011… Lisa was 27 and expecting her first baby. A pap smear result came back as abnormal, and after further testing, a 5cm cancerous tumour was found. She was 20 weeks pregnant.

She was given two options: 1) to terminate the pregnancy and have a radical hysterectomy or 2) to have chemotherapy immediately to try shrink the tumour and continue with the pregnancy. Lisa went with option 2.

At 24 weeks, the tumour had shrunk by 30% - the treatment was working! And after 10 weeks, the tumour had disappeared, which doctors said was a miracle. Baby Eadie Piper arrived at 34 weeks and 5 days, and was absolutely perfect.

Lisa then had a radical hysterectomy, and started to move on from her experience. Here are her and Eadie now…


Then in October 2017, Lisa’s mum was diagnosed with cancer in both her breasts, and tested positive for the BCNA hereditary cancer gene. A few months later, Lisa underwent testing too… and found that she also had the gene.

In Lisa’s words: "STRAIGHTAWAY I knew I wanted the preventative surgery, cancer had come into my world once, I wasn't going to let it happen again."

She went on the waitlist for a prophylactic bilateral mastectomy, and almost 18 months later (thanks to COVID) the date for her surgery was set - 6th October 2020.

I have never seen anyone prepare so beautifully for surgery! All her luxuries went along for the ride. From her favourite snacks, essential oils, succulents, blanket, face products... She packed as if she was off on a mini retreat.

So how’s she doing??

Lisa says: "16 weeks post op, I'm feeling great and in full swing. I've set a goal to do a half marathon this May, so I'm in training as we speak! I have not one regret about my surgery. I have decreased my chances of getting breast cancer in the future by 90%. I'm so proud of what I've done."


So yeah… you can see now why I describe her as one of the most inspiring women I know Lisa! Her ability to so carefully manage her own mindset is surely the key to her navigating such huge challenges in her life, and to move through them with such grace and guts.

And she’s also a graduate of my Step Into You Program, not once but TWICE!

Here’s what Lisa had to say about her experience with the program:

"I was in two completely different situations in my life both times round.

First time, I was 100% winning at life, everything felt amazing, I was in a really good headspace although was wanting more. I was curious - curious to find out how I could uplevel my lifestyle to be truly living my BEST life.

Second time - thanks to COVID - so much in my world had changed within such a short time frame. I needed guidance and direction in what felt like every single area of my life!

My job of 12 years had gone, finances had changed, we chose to move, and I was pre-planning so much that I truly just had to let the Universe do its thing. I was in such a state of overwhelm that I needed to get my sh*t sorted and focus on the things that I could change, rather than the things I couldn't.

The biggest shift for me on the program was having a clearer understanding that every choice I make is made by ME. No one else is responsible for making ME happy. So it was about owning my own beliefs, doing the things that I love, and truly looking after myself first before ANYONE else.

Throughout the program, there was the continual reminder that we are so worthy to be able to do anything that we want to do - no guilt attached! I feel lighter after Step Into You, in the sense that I have a lot more clarity around certain areas of my life, allowing me to be really clear on my boundaries."

Thank you - SO MUCH - Lisa for allowing me to share your story. It’s an absolute honour.

So guys, if you’re ready to feel lighter, my Step Into You Program is closing AT 9PM AEDT TOMORROW NIGHT.

PS: My Energising You Masterclass from yesterday has been whipped up into a bonus podcast episode for your listening pleasure! If you’d like to learn how to access your feminine energy more (and get a taster for the program), jump over here to listen or search for The Lorraine Murphy Show wherever you get your podcasts.

So there you have it, Lorraine THANK YOU SO MUCH for sharing my story with your community!

So guys if you want to get on board with Lorraine Step into Yoh program, be quick as doors close soon x

Lisa Forrest