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What coffee mood are you in today?

I don’t know about you, but how good is coffee! I know it’s not for everyone, but I’m a lover through and through and it’s part of my morning ritual every. single. day . The thing I love most about it, is just how personalized it can be. Depending on my mood, what’s on, who I’m meeting and what I’m doing, my order actually changes every single time! Weird I know! Much to my partners disgust, to the point that he will have a giggle ( or an eye roll I’m sure!) every time he asks me if I would like a coffee? He always says, “what fad are we on today”.

Over the years I’ve had it all..

Strong Flat White, Cappuccino, Soy Cappuccino with Honey, Long Black, Skim Piccolo, Almond Piccolo, Double Shot Skim Latte, the list well and truly goes on. Except I’ll be honest, I do have one dear friend who is a mad tea drinker, and its ONLY ever when I’m with her that I will have a cup of tea, she goes to such extreme efforts Teapot and all!

Multiple Coffees

If I’m in the mood and don’t really have a lot of time I’ll go for a piccolo, or if I’m on the go and know I wont be eating for a while I’ll have a milkier option, or even add a shot to a creamier smoothie just to keep me going. Then on the occasion I’m having a crazy health kick, I’ll lay off the milk and have a long black. I’m always intrigued to hear what other people order at the coffee shop too, what kind of coffee do you like to drink?? Let me know in the comments below. X