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Meet my Chiropractor, she’s a Speaker, Podcaster, a Personal Performance Coach and a hands down top chick!

So it must have been around 3 years ago now that I was introduced to Dr M’s podcast series for my daily commute to work. Every week without fail I would tune in to see what words of wisdom she had for me that week.

Fast forward a few years, and I’m still listening to her weekly gems of a podcast, had the pleasure last year of attending a couple of her workshops, and thanks to COVID 19 I will be commencing some part time work in her brand new Alexandria practice as of July 2020! (Insert happy dance right here!)

You know when you visualise something, pop it on your vision board and pray that it will all just work out- or maybe you don’t and that’s just me? Well that was me in this situation, I knew from the minute I met her that I would work with her one day! She is full of so much goodness, where does one even start! I recently popped a post up over on my Instagram account, which I will share with you all below…

Every Monday and Wednesday Dr M drops many words of wisdom over on her podcast, (which as most of you know is one of my hands down favourites ) Dr M speaks and teaches with humour, warmth and realness whilst having the amazing ability to make what may seem complex into easy and simple action steps to help you take your life to the next level. ( yes - she’s AMAZING!)

Dr M wears many hats, she’s a Speaker, Podcaster, a Personal Performance Coach and a hands down top chick!

Dr M wears many hats, she’s a Speaker, Podcaster, a Personal Performance Coach and a hands down top chick!

She has been in the Health and Wellness industry for over 20 years, and has recently made the move up from Wollongong’s, South Coast to her new practice within the Space of Inspired Body & Mind, Alexandria. (Woo hoo for me, right around the corner ! ) 

In her hands on Chiropractic work, it’s to help us all feel and function better ( which I’m learning all about) in all aspects of our lives and help identify and remove interferences that are holding us back from our goals. She’s a sort after speaker and has facilitated 100s workshops over the last 14 years focusing on Stress Adaptation, Personal talents and Strengths and Peak Performance at work, home and play. She has mentored other business owners from around Australia and is an award winning Business Woman. 

My weekly adjustment with Dr M, Aligned.U.

My weekly adjustment with Dr M, Aligned.U.

So look, there you have it, Dr M in a nutshell, a little insight into her, and why I LOVE getting my weekly adjustments! If you’re not local to her practice, do yourself a favour and make sure you tune into her podcasts- they are all truly amazing.

Side Note* If you’re after more of an insight to Chiropractic care, check out Dr M’s website or even better, come and say Hi to us in Alexandria some time soon, her books are officially open.