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Eadie’s Snack Attack: Our Favorite GoodnessMe Treats!

When it comes to snacks, my daughter Eadie has pretty good judgement when it comes to choosing healthy treats. At 12, she’s all about finding that perfect balance between delicious and nutritious. So, I thought I’d share some of her absolute favourite snacks from GoodnessMe that make it into our pantry on the regular!

Eadie is a fruit fanatic, and Nibblish Fruit Swirls and bites are her go-to for a fruity fix. These yummy strips are made from real fruit and are a healthier alternative to traditional fruit snacks. Perfect for a sweet treat in her lunchbox!

2. Funday Sweets

Let’s be honest, what 12-year-old doesn’t love a bit of candy? Funday Sweets are Eadie’s guilty pleasure. They’re a better-for-you option with no artificial nasties, so I can feel a bit better about indulging her sweet tooth. They also come in some old school flavours like coke bottles and red frogs-yum!

3. Health Lab Balls

When she’s in need of an energy boost, Eadie reaches for Health Lab Balls. These little bites of goodness are packed with natural ingredients and come in a variety of flavours. She loves the Holy Hazelnut and Birthday Cake ones (who wouldn’t?), and I love that they’re full of goodness.

4. Banjo Carob Bears

Banjo Carob Bears are a hit with Eadie, especially the mint! These adorable little bears are made from carob, which is a great alternative to chocolate. They’re sweet, tasty, and just the right size for a quick lunch box snack.

5. Serious Popcorn

Movie night isn’t complete without Serious Popcorn. Eadie is obsessed with the stuff! It’s organic, gluten-free, and comes in a range of flavours that keep her munching happily. Plus, it’s a healthier choice compared to regular popcorn.

I always try to keep a mix of healthier snacks and the occasional treat in Eadie’s snack rotation. It’s all about balance and moderation, encouraging her to make healthier choices, but hey, she’s 12! Sometimes, the not-so-healthy options sneak in there too, and that’s okay. Life’s all about enjoying the little things, right?

Do you have any snack faves in your household? Share them with us in the comments below :)

P.S. Below I've attached for quick reference her go-to shopping/wish list when I place my GoodnessMe orders. Feel free to also use the code LISAF10 on your first order to receive 10% off your goodies

Happy snacking!