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The Miracle Morning

{ Take a seat, grab a cuppa - 4 minute read}

For those of you who follow along on Instagram, it’s no surprise to you when I say the words “Miracle Morning”. For those of you that have no idea what on earth I’m talking about… keep reading!

For me personally, this is my hour of power. It’s the time I take out of my day, to 100% focus on me, the things I love and the things I want to achieve to improve myself each and every day. It is such a sacred time, and it’s my non- negotiable each and every weekday (weekends I have a little more leniency) to the point that if my family happens to wake when I’m up, they will always say “Happy Miracle Morning” - haha.

Jump straight to MY Miracle Morning HERE

The Miracle Morning was something I was introduced to me back in 2016 , and I can honestly say it’s been an absolute game changer!

How you start each day largely determines the quality of your day, your work, and your life. The Miracle Morning gives you the ultimate morning ritual and teaches night owls how to beat the snooze button, even if you’ve never been a morning person.

Hal Elrod is the driver behind the force. Hal was in a head on car accident at just 19 years old, his heart had stopped for 6 minutes, had 11 broken bones, and when he finally came out of his coma was told he would never walk again.

Not only did Hal walk, he went on to run a (52 mile) ultra-marathon and become a hall of fame business achiever—before the age of
30. Then, in November of 2016, Hal nearly died again—his kidneys, lungs, and heart on the verge of failing, which led to his being diagnosed with a very rare, very aggressive form of cancer (acute lymphoblastic leukemia).

After enduring the most difficult year of his life, Hal is now cancer-free and is on a mission to elevate the consciousness of humanity, one morning at a time and this is where the Miracle Morning began. Hal calls it the SAVERS. And the aim is to complete them all first thing in the morning no matter what the day ahead is going to bring.

6 simple steps, that you can customize just for you, as we all have different ways of doing things. Below I will give you some ideas on how to practice your Miracle Mornings and this is just starting you off nice and easy with 1 minute of each practice.

My Miracle Morning now goes for 1- 1.5 hours, it’s so amazing to feel that so much is achieved before most people have even started their day!



Minute One… (Silence)

Imagine waking up in the morning, and instead of rushing carelessly into your hectic day—feeling stressed and overwhelmed—imagine that you instead spend the first minute sitting in purposeful Silence. You sit, very calm, very peaceful, and you breathe deeply, slowly. Maybe you say a prayer of gratitude to appreciate the moment, or pray for guidance on your journey. Maybe, you decide to try your first minute of meditation. As you sit in silence, you’re totally present in the now, in the moment. You calm your mind, relax your body, and allow all of your stress to melt away. You develop a deeper sense of peace, purpose, and direction…

Minute Two… (Affirmations)

You pull out your daily Affirmations—the ones that remind you of your unlimited potential and your most important priorities—and you read them out loud from top to bottom. As you focus on what’s most important to you, your level of internal motivation increases. Reading over the reminders of how capable you really are, gives you a feeling of confidence. Looking over what you’re committed to, what your purpose is, and what your goals are re-energizes you to take the actions necessary to live the life you truly want, deserve, and now know is possible for you…

Minute Three… (Visualization)

You close your eyes, or you look at your vision board, and you visualize. Your Visualization could include your goals, what it will
look and feel like when you reach them.
You visualize the day going
perfectly, see yourself enjoying your work, smiling and laughing with your family, or your significant other, and easily accomplishing all that you intend to accomplish for that day. You see what it will look like, you feel what it will feel like, and you experience the joy of what you will create…

Minute Four… (Scribing)

Imagine, pull out your journal, and in your journal, you take a minute to write down what you’re grateful for, what you’re proud, and the results you’re committed to creating for that day. Doing so, you put
yourself in an empowered, an inspired, and confident state of mind.

Minute Five… (Reading)

Then, you grab your self-help book and invest one miraculous minute reading a page or two. You learn a new idea, something that
you can implement into your day.
You discover something new that you can use to feel better—to be better.

Minute Six… (Exercise)

Finally, you stand up and you spend the last minute, doing jumping jacks for 60 seconds and getting your heart rate up and getting energized and waking yourself up and increasing your ability to be alert and to focus.

How would YOU feel if that’s the first 6-minutes with how you started
your day with? How would the quality of your day—your life—improve?

Keep track of your morning rituals each and every day, download your printable here.

Keep track of your morning rituals each and every day, download your printable here.

When my girlfriend and I planned a retreat to Bali last year, our Miracle Mornings primed us for the day ahead, check out how we went about it here.

Below I will leave you with how I spend my Miracle Mornings

My Miracle Mornings

5am- Wake up, and I do this every single day with a spring in my step. TOP TIP is to NEVER hit snooze! By going back to sleep for another 10 minutes, you will actually feel more tired and groggy than when the initial alarm went off.

5:05am- Silence

I will mediate (Insight timer is a great FREE mediation app) on my Shakti Mat for 20 mins, I normally pick a theme of what ever may be on my mind. eg. morning, patience, awareness, gratitude- literally anything

Shakti Mat.jpg

5:25am- Affirmation

Each day I will draw a Little Sage Oracle card from my deck, and repeat the affirmation that goes with it. If you don’t have Oracle cards you could just recite an affirmation about something your focusing on or wanting to achieve. Affirmations can be used to re-program your thought patterns and change the way you think and feel about things. If your worried about money a good example would be. “ I have an abundance of money, now and always, money will always come and go into my life at the right time, money is always going to be in my life”.

Louise Hay has an AMAZING book on all things affirmations.

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5:30am- Visualize

This is when I will re visit the goals I set out last year and wrote in my 2020 diary and also view my vision board. ( The images on this are based around my goals. eg Goal is to always choose the healthier food option - Image is a big basket of fresh fruit & vegetables. Goal is to make my Chiropractic adjustments every week- Image was my Chiropractors Logo. So you would pic an image that resonates with you towards the goal. I cover it all from health , fitness, family, travel, personal growth, career finance & being fearless.

5:35am- Exercise

My fav part, ONLINE Yoga! I subscribed to the Merrymaker Sisters online yoga studio mid last year and I have never looked back! Now that I have a consistent working week, it’s my all time favourite part of the day. The energy the girls bring is unreal, and not only do they have MULTIPLE classes of both Yoga & Pilates they have meal plans, mediations, workshops and challenges that are all just AMAZING!! They are currently offering a FREE subscription as a gift (no credit card required) to you all during crazy time (March 2020 COVID 19). It’s a MUST if you have been wanting to try them out for a while.

YOGA MAT: Baransu Yoga

My gorgeous Jute yoga mat, courtesy of Jody at Baransu Yoga, Wollongong

My gorgeous Jute yoga mat, courtesy of Jody at Baransu Yoga, Wollongong

6:00am- Read

ANYTHING!! That book you purchased last year, the one that’s been on your bed side table for 6 months, that book that you have been WANTING to read. Just start. I only read a couple of pages a day, but for someone that never really started reading books until the miracle morning I can now say I have read more than quite a few!


I’m not big on free scribing, I find getting all of my thoughts onto paper pretty hard actually, I’m much more of a verbal communicator (hence why I should practice scribing ALOT more) but what I do have and love is my Gratitude Journal. I picked this one up from Kmart for just $5 and I find it prompts me with all the right questions. It can be the smallest things each and every day to be grateful for. eg. your morning coffee made by the barista, having family to lean on in a time of need, that random text message pop up from an old friend, or even just that opportunity to hang out with the girls. Not every is as fortunate as each other, so we have to be grateful for all that we have in our lives.

Gratitude Journal.jpg

So I hope this have has helped, and hopefully given you an insight on how you can start your day to be as productive as you want to be. Taking the time out for yourself, before anyone else’s day has started is honestly the best feeling in the world! TRUST ME! As always please reach out if you have any questions, and if you want to find out any more on Hal Elrod click here,

His books can be found on Book Depository or Booktopia