
Quick Wins

Meal Plan like a boss!

I’m obsessed when it comes to food prep, and that goes for Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner. (I’m often thinking of my next meal before I have even finished the one I’m eating. haha. )

Anything that I can do in advance, that will save me time, effort and energy later, I’m on it!

There is always some sort of meal prep happening in our house, thankfully the kitchen is my happy place, as well as his!

I almost work backwards when I’m planning my week, and I mean stripping it right back. Before I’ve even decided what I’m actually going to make there are just a few steps that I go through first, I’m always future thinking, we always have to eat , right?

We are now currently weekly shoppers, (may sound strange to some) on saying that, we will always pick up fresh produce throughout the week when required, but no more fortnightly groceries for us!

We both read the Barefoot Investor quite a few years back, and groceries were a BIG thing. We never blinked an eye at the bill once checking out. We loaded our trolley, purchased what we needed (and wanted), and paid at the end. We didn’t realise at the time exactly how much money we were spending on food, on top of our produce top-up within the fortnight. 

I'd like to think these days we are little more savvy when it comes to planning, as well as budgeting for our meals.

So before we have even arrived at the shops, I’ll talk you through our steps…


Ask yourself, what do I already have in my fridge and pantry? Try and challenge your self to a Masterchef mystery box, we are always doing this just to finish off the last of any leftovers. This is a great one for pulling together a stir fry at the end of week, with the last of all the veggies. Finish the meat you may have in the freezer, the taco kit at the back of your pantry, or the fresh herbs you bought for that one recipe last week. At the end of the day, its all money, sitting right there in front of you. No need to spend more, use up what you’ve got first!

Step 2

Meal Plan! If you can set aside just 1/2 hr of your time. If it be on the weekend over coffee before anyone wakes, a weeknight you may have no commitments, or your morning  public transport commute. You are going to thank yourself later! As I’m such a diary person, I take a look at my overview for the week and decide from there what’s cooking.

*sidenote* on those later nights, after school care, swimming lessons, meetings, soccer - the list goes on. Keep it simple. If it may be something that has slow cooked earlier in the day, a freezer spag bol that you prepped and froze earlier last week, or even a meal that you can literally pop in the oven as you walk in the door, the less your doing once your actually home the better.

I am also a sucker for the occasional Hello Free box, especially on those busier weeks, such a helping hand knowing someone has done all the hard work for me! Click HERE and use the code to receive $50 off your first box.

Pick up your meal planner here

Whats on the menu meal planner

Step 3

Peruse through the copious amounts of Cook books you probably own. You’ve obviously bought them for a reason, so start challenging yourself to try just ONE new recipe a week. We all tend to get caught up on the same old week in week out recipes, so go on,  mix things up a little!

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Step 4

Write a grocery list, and stick to it! This is where the discipline kicks in, it’s hard, but you can do it! Once you’ve written your meal plan up, work out exactly what you need to buy. (oh and don’t forget your Tasting Plate Tote Bag) For this week only. The one question we continually ask ourselves these days at the shops is

“Do we actually need it this week, or can it wait until next?” It’s unbelievable how much we have saved on groceries just by buying what we need, not what we want!

Grab your Tasting Plate tote HERE for just $9.95

Grab your Tasting Plate tote HERE for just $9.95

Top Tip, I will always grab my pantry staples when they’re on sale, if you know you buy the same tinned tomatoes all the time, never pay full price! When they’re on sale, or down to half price as a lot of supermarkets do, grab yourself a few extra, you will save funds down the track.

Colour may vary as the girls over at SWIISH have re created these beauties!

Step 5

Cook Off!!

When I’m in one of these moods I go crazy! I try to have multiple dishes happening at once so it’s a productive day, I’ll generally be cooking dinner for that evening, in BULK! Even though there is just the three of us, someone is always coming or going to work so I will always make extra to cater for lunch the next day, ( don’t forget your BYO Cutlery Sets with your BYO lunch!) or if it’s something that I can freeze for future use on those crazy afternoon’s. This is me thanking my future self later!

Julia Child Quote.jpg

1. What do I already have?  

2. Meal Plan, buy yourself a cute planner as you will want to use it.

3. Use the cookbooks you have to get some inspiration.

4. Write a grocery list, and stick to it.

5. Cook!   

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