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The Perfect Spring Time Salmon Salad

Salmon and Risoni Salad

Serves 2

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If poaching-

1 tablespoon Salt

1/2 teaspoon White Peppercorns

1 Bay Leaf

400g Salmon Fillets

If Pan searing-

Olive oil

Salt & Pepper

400g Salmon Fillets


1 cup Risoni

1/2 cup Peas (frozen are fine) -I also use sugar snap and

 chop into 1cm pieces

Grated zest and juice of 1 lemon

A good handful of Baby Spinach leaves, 55g

2 tablespoons chopped fresh Parsley

2 teaspoons chopped fresh Dill

1 tablespoon Olive Oil

Large pinch of Caster Sugar

Freshly Ground Black pepper


Poaching the Salmon-

Put the salt, peppercorns and bay leaf into a large deep 

frying pan with 3 cups of water  and bring to the boil.

Simmer for 5 minutes, then remove from heat. Add 

the salmon, cover and leave for 15 minutes. Lift the 

fish carefully out of the liquid, when cool enough to 

handle flake the fish into pieces .

Searing & Baking the Salmon-

Heat a little olive oil in a non stick pan and  

sear  Salmon with some S&P skin side down.

 Approx. 3-5 mins depending on salmon size. 

Turn over and remove skin gently, continue to cook 

skin until crisp in the pan. Turn salmon over for two more minutes, or if you prefer finish off in the oven to your liking.

Cook the Risoni in a large saucepan of salted boiling 

water until cooked through, around 7 minutes, adding the peas 

and lemon zest  for the last 2 minutes. 

Rinse under cold water and drain well.

In a large salad bowl, place the risoni, peas, salmon, 

spinach, parsley and dill. Whisk together the lemon

 juice, olive oil and sugar to make a dressing. Add the

 dressing to the salad and season with S&P. 

Read to serve! This is also a great meal to cook in bulk to always have a fresh salad on hand ready to go.

Whats you favourite side dish with your Salmon? Let me know in the comments below so I can try it too :-)