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My 2020 Goals

New Year

This year, I will be honest I got two 2020 diaries. (What for your thinking!) 

One I write an affirmation in everyday once I have pulled one of my gorgeous Little Sage Oracle Cards, and the other is my Lorna Jane everyday use for personal/work etc.

What I loved most about it was #1 not only was it ON SALE #2 it has a very clear section for my goals.

Just a paragraph, and it was perfect!

Below I will share with you just a brief overview of some of the things I want to achieve this year for myself. 

Health- Investing time/effort & money into Chiropractic Health - I’m currently obsessed with seeing my chiropractor! Making the healthier choices when I can control what I eat. This will allow me to enjoy and let go a little in the times when food is not organised by me! I’m a big fan of the 80/20 rule, or even more so 70/30.

When I’m at work it’s the time of my week that I can prep/plan exactly what I want to be eating.

The other 20/30% is when I’m at home with my family, socialising or hanging out with friends, and lets be honest living life!

Fitness- Consistently moving more. Swimming when Eadie has lessons, my regular HIIT and boxing classes at the gym, coastal walks, stairs instead of elevators and the AMAZING Merry Maker sisters with their online yoga is a non negotiable daily practice for me. You get the idea.

Family- Quality time, spending more time with the ones I love. This includes, friends/family/grandparents and also spending the down time that I get for MYSELF! This is being selfless not selfish!

Travel- No big travels plans for us this year, as we are both transitioning into new jobs, so hopefully small bouts of travel when we can. We are lucky to have our parents live in Wollongong and Penrith, so it almost feels like a little getaway in itself.

Education & Growth - To continually learn from others. If that may be though a podcast, book, conversation, workshops, events , I love learning new things and connecting and sharing what I have learnt with others. When we learn more, it grants us to have a new perspective on things rather than to have a closed mindset. We must always be thinking outside the box.

Career- I have a big transition coming, after 12 years doing shift work (no more 3am alarm clocks!) I have taken the leap of faith into the corporate world. As of next month I will be working for Velocity Frequent Flyers head office in Circular Quay, I can’t wait to be learning new things, and continually have the opportunity to be meeting new people. Each and every day is continual growth. Taking the opportunity to learn from others, and reflect to see how far I have come, building a rapport and making a connection with everyone who crosses my path.

Financial- More than ever to be in control of my spending! I’m a very passionate Barefoot investor (check out the book here), so this years money making decisions will be challenged with one single question “Do I need it, or do I want it?”. It’s time to get ahead!

I’m currently obsessed with the podcast She’s on the Money

Being Fearless- Saying YES to things before I even know what I’m actually in for, the launch of my cutlery in my online store was a big one, I had a friend just push me and say, “release them, you have to start selling them” I doubted myself they wouldn’t  even sell, and then 3 rounds of pre- orders later! What was I even worried about?

My partner and I both realised as we reflected on Christmas Eve last year, that everything will ALWAYS work out, given how much I had to surrender to his career move last year, I just let the control go I wouldn’t have ended up in a tizz worrying things wouldn’t work out. Proven fact is that 90% of worry NEVER happens!

It’s so important to just start and give it a go. What I learnt on this one was-

“If we fail we grow- so just give it a go!”

After setting ourselves these goals, it’s really important to do just one thing to take you a step closer to what you want to achieve. A big one is often exercise, a lot of people want to set the new year up with getting more active. What's something that will motivate you to exercise more? I know for me its training in great active wear, when you look good, you feel good, and when you feel good you have a sense of confidence about you! So go out and buy yourself those new trainers, ear pods, anything that will take you just one step closer to your goals! Even better, grab a friend to keep you accountable!

You’ve got this!

What goals have you set for yourself for 2020?