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Carving out time just for you

That’s right, the title says it all, its time to start carving out some time just for you. When ever you may be reading this post, if it’s the end of the year, the start of a new one, a new week, a new month or better yet a new day, where ever you happen to be right now, you have obviously clicked here on this post for a reason.

I sent this content off to my emailing list (sign up here) back in November and the response was AMAZING, I thought I would pop it into a blog post to spread the love, so make sure you also forward it to someone else that might also like to read it too. By the sounds of it, it was just what a lot needed to hear, that friendly reminder to keep being the best version of ourselves. For me, personally, rather than just rolling into auto pilot with the day to day grind, I have actually been carving out time to do the things that I love doing. Setting clear boundaries for myself and making choices that will benefit me and my well being.

Late October, I started a program with the amazing Lorraine Murphy  “Step into You”. Lorraine has created this program for woman to get you more organised but more importantly to tap back into YOU. Your motivations, your passion, your time, your energy, your overall. 

I’m an easily inspired and motivated person and look after my well being most of the time. I eat well, exercise when I can but always find that I like to have someone keeping me accountable, to lift me higher. When you do this for so many others it’s so important that this energy does a full circle and also comes back to you too!  

 So... this week more than ever, I have been doubling down on all forms of self care. I build a lot of these habits into my everyday, but as I said this week I truly have been doubling down. It’s funny you know, when you actually do something for yourself, for a lot of us we feel guilty but there is also a great sense of happiness in these moments too.


 I personally dropped the guilt about 12 months ago when I realised that if I’m not looking after myself, then how on earth am I actually meant to be looking after others. Hence my escape to Bali back in June for a much appreciated girls retreat, check it out here. I have had such a great week spending time doing all the things I love to do.

 I’ve had some great conversations , and these people all know who they are, it makes me so happy to hear that they are also trying their best to do the same. 

Below are some ideas that you can start implementing, not next week, not next year. But tomorrow, or even better, TODAY! 

Wake up just 10 minutes earlier then your household to do one thing for you, Your hot coffee, your morning shower in pure silence, read a few pages of that book you have been wanting to read, ANYTHING! As long as its just for you.

Also please check out my Miracle Morning HERE!


·         1 minute to concentrate on your breathing.

·         Meditate, Insight timer is a great FREE app.

·         Read a quote, write it down, look at it throughout your day

·         Visualise how you want your day to look like.

·         Go the gym, do that class you’ve been meaning to get to

·         Do a yoga class, I joined an ONLINE studio back in June and have never looked back! Game Changer!

·         Read a page from that book you’ve been wanting to read, just one page.

·         Call your bestie.

·         Light a candle.

·         Take a hot shower.

·         Use a nice moisturiser

·         Drop some essential oils into your bath

·         Cook your favourite meal

·         Have a coffee catch up with a friend

·         Pop some fresh sheets on your bed

·         Treat yourself to some mew underwear

·         Book a 1/2 hr massage

·         Carve some time into your week to plan the upcoming week

·         Listen to a Podcast, BQS is always on high rotation in my car

ANYTHING, as you can see the list can go on.

Coffee Cup

These are just a handful of things that make me happy, and you have my 100% tick of approval to go out and do the same. Hopefully you can get around to doing just one thing that will make you happy too! All you have to do is begin.

Starting small and by just dropping one thing in is all it takes. I heard a great podcast the other day saying if you want your pantry to be full of healthy amazing wholesome foods, then start by adding one new thing into the shopping trolley every week. 

After 1 year, your cupboard will be full of 52 new choices and amazing options that you probably thought you couldn’t achieve one year ago. Rather than overhaul all at once with 52 new items that could seem overwhelming, start slowly. No need to put pressure on your self, just by starting will be your biggest achievement yet! 

 Please reach out, I love getting all of your feedback and reply’s. I love to hear what’s working for you , or what’s not! What’s an area that you need help working on to make you the best version of your self? 

Tell me what you’ve been wanting to implement over the last few months. It’s your time to shine!  You’ve got this! 

Much love

Lisa xx