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Hypnosis, who's intrigued?

RTT- Rapid Transformation Therapy if you’re wondering!

Now I’m not too sure where to even start with this one, however, the shifts I have had in my world since my hypnosis session with AJ have been incredible.

First starting with a call to see if we’re a match, working out what areas AJ and I will focus on during my 2 hr hypnosis. This is very unique to each individual, I personally wanted to focus a lot on my life purpose and career.

I then booked in with AJ for my 2 hr hypnosis session, which felt like all of 2 minutes! I was in super comfy clothes, propped up in my bed, heater on, essential oils and just really created a beautiful space. My laptop was all set up ready to go as she had to be able to see my eyes during the session. You must be uninterrupted and in a quiet space, so off went Chuck & Eadie for the afternoon.

This may seem a bit woo woo if this isn’t your thing if it is…It’s just amazing how you can access your subconsciousness and find out why you’re stuck in those repeat patterns we tell ourselves. AJ then creates your own personalised hypnosis track to listen to every day over the coming month, as this is how the mind works- repetition is key.

I can’t wait for our follow up session in a couple of weeks, as so many amazing things have already shifted in my world.

I encourage you to head over to AJ’s website Change Your Thoughts and I’ll let the professional explain ALOT more about this amazing practice.