Since our return last year, Hayley and I have committed to each other, that even though we can’t always get to Bali we must “re-create” this experience in our own home. This generally involves a staycation at her house and we re visit all that we did on that holiday. Ok sure, that might be a face mask over day spas, 30 minute massages at our local over 4 hour pamper packages, and açai bowls at the local cafe, what ever it takes to re create- we do that!
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I’m an easily inspired and motivated person and look after my well being most of the time. I eat well, exercise when I can but always find that I like to have someone keep me accountable, to lift me higher. When you do this for so many others it’s so important that this energy does a full circle and also comes back to you too!
Prioritising YOU will fill YOUR tank, it’s soooo important to look after #1, and that my dear friend, is YOU! x
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