

Carving out some time just for you Audio

Carving out some time just for you!

Who doesn’t love a little self care? The things that make you, you. These are things that we can implement into our everyday lives to make US happy. No guilt required!!

I’ve had multiple conversations around this topic just this week, so thought it was perfect timing to share with you all. Having worked in aviation for the pst 12 years, this saying always hits home…

“ put your own oxygen mask on first before helping others.” ...

This is exactly how self-care works, we need to invest in our own well-being before we can start helping others.

Some ideas for you…

 Wake up just 10 minutes earlier then your household to do one thing for YOU. Your hot coffee, your morning shower in pure silence, read a few pages of that book you have been wanting to read, ANYTHING! As long as its just for you.

When we are constantly giving to so many others it’s important that this energy does a full circle  and also comes back to you too!  

I really hope this will encourage you all to start the process of your own self-care rituals too! Don’t forget if you’re wanting to take it to the next level, be sure to check out my 1:1 coaching page for a little more info.

I hope you enjoy this episode as much as I loved recording it

Lisa x